Friday, September 30, 2011

Please define "RICH"-This new protest called Occupy wall street AND now, LA!

Please define "RICH"-This new protest called Occupy wall street AND now, LA!

by Deborah Windham on Friday, September 30, 2011 at 10:31am
 Hi folks, Ive been busy trying to figure out this new protest movement.
Here is what I wrote to the organizers ,I was asking them to define what "rich" was because there seems to be some equating of RICH with GREEDY in the social networks."Poor" people can be just as greedy.In my experience, the rich that I know are actually very generous and giving and if this movement wants to be successful should not separate people out based on income,...also, that we should UNITE. As a matter of fact, all movements need support and you dont want to alienate . They came back with a letter to me -here it is!
 "I understand your concerns. However, people come from different backgrounds, so it is hard to unify coherently one pure message. I don't believe we've even used the term "rich", apart from random people on social networks, who we hope to educate more in the near future. especially during occupation. We use the term 1% for the most part. Meaning the likes found on the top 400 in Forbes:

and the like. i'll mention it to people, keep in mind we are a leaderless movement, so getting everyone on the "exact" same page, takes a lot of task etc Especially if you know, we have a lot of frustrated people but don't know what is wrong exactly, but know something is wrong, but yet want to start to express some sort of well, appropriate expression. This is why the occupation will serve a tool to educate and make people aware. We will make it our duty to educate people, rest assured."
Here is MY response!
 "thank you for the reassurance, I like and want to be a part of any movement which moves towards oneness, wellness,wholeness. A movement that can offer a feeling that we are not SHEEPeople.
I believe these things could help, and are TANGIBLE goals.
#1-Vote, but DON'T vote for the 2 reigning parties, we trade one puppet for the next.Vote with a different party,I vote Libertarian every time.  I'm not suggesting anyone else vote Libertarian, just check out the "REASON "Foundation( named Reason for a reason!)In Russia ,they have 23 parties and 2 brands of toothpaste, In America, they have 2 parties and 23 brands of toothpastes.This is distraction.Don't vote for either of the 2 major parties,they are broken.
#2-Limit Senatorial terms
#3-Obama promised to get rid of lobbies, did he? No!,now we have corporations which can give unlimited funding to political campaigns..."And, the Senator from the great corporation of GOGGLE now has the floor",...abolish lobbies.
Corporate bottom line is fiscal profits, if we are unhappy with a corporation ,BOYCOTT.the power is IN us! take your money out of the big ones and put it in smaller,local banks.Don't shop at corporate entities...the list is endless. The burden is on US to stop blaming the CORPORATE structure , which we all supported, and TAKE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for what WE have DONE to ourselves. As a doctor, I see patients coming to me with diseases that they could have prevented by life style,even when they know what they need to do to get better, they don't! They want me to do it, with a magic pill. I see this as our biggest challenge, taking responsibility for our fiscal health.We have become lazy and fat ,like livestock,...did we not think the slaughter was coming? We all have the right to a healthy body, mind, and soul, we have the right to earn fair wages and work hard. The biggest challenges will be to have a clear path in a murky forest. This is where UNITY begins to uphold us, Unity is what created this country, The UNITED States of America.What we need are peaceful thinkers with the warrior spirit, like MLK.,or Howard Zinn.We do not want to be seen as the hippies,jobless, liberals, or any other label that the conservatives try to foist on us. We want to be seen as upholding the Constitution and being peaceful and fair.
I suggest that Thomas Jefferson be our voice until the movement coalesces.You can find some amazing quotes by him regarding the banks.
 we'll be there ,in the center of the monkey chant.
Please encourage folks not to use inflammatory rhetoric(ie, "spawn of Satan"-remember we put "Satan" there!), we have a chance to change the way we do business, to define our own terms, to express ourselves in a different manner, not the old, overly done rhetoric of the past.Release whatever does not serve your higher purpose.
RE DEFINE! Re define define our language,re define the way we do business,the way we care for others, the way we invite others into our lives.
"Be the change you want to see in the world"- just like Gandhi
Dr Deb